Thursday 16th July
Just a reminder to you all that we will close on Thursday 16th July NOT Friday 17th July. This is due to the hall being unavailable to us on the Friday.School Visit
Those children who will be going to school in September 2015 have been invited to attend for the morning on Wednesday July 8th. We will meet in the school playground by the Reception area at 9.15am. Beccy and Jo will stay with the children and they should be collected at 11.45am using the main office...Farm Trip
Just a reminder to you all that the farm trip is on the 25th June 2015. Children will need a packed lunch and suitable clothes for the weather. If we are fortunate enough to have a sunny day, all children MUST have a sun hat and cream. Many thanksChristmas Time
Christmas nativity. Our Christmas nativity will take place on Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th December at 2.00pm each day. All children are invited. Should this not be a day your child attends they will need to be at preschool by 1.15pm to ensure they are ready should they wish to take part. Our Christmas party...National Christmas Jumper Day (save the children)
On Friday the 16th of December we will be taking part in National Christmas jumper day to raise money for save the children. The children and staff can all come to pre school wearing a Christmas jumper, cardigan, dress or anything chirstmassy a donation of £1 each will be paid into the save the children...Cake Sale for Children in Need
We held a cake sale in aid of Children in need last week and we would like to thank our Pre-School ladies for all the baking and a big thank you to all the parents, Grandparents who brought the cakes from us. We raised £67.34p.